Become a sponsor today!

Becoming a Channel 44 sponsor is a great, low-cost way to enter TV advertising, build brand recognition and increase sales while supporting local screen content and creators. 

With a broadcast footprint across the Adelaide metropolitan area, you can increase awareness with a diverse audience or targeted niches, from active seniors to car enthusiasts, avid anglers, local music fans, outdoor adventurers and classic movie buffs to name a few. See our media kit for more info.

Got questions? Contact us by email or call on 08 8269 6577.

Make your ad

Make a 30-second video advertisement for your business, your event — whatever you’d like to tell viewers about.*

*If you’re unable to provide an ad, select ‘Help me make an ad’ at checkout and we’ll contact you about making a simple ad for a small fee. Note: No filming included.

Choose your package

Choose a sponsorship package from 1, 3, 6 or 12 months for just $10 per spot!

Air your ad

We’ll air your ad to an audience of around 150,000 cumulative monthly viewers in the programs most appropriate to your ad.

Download media kit

Download our media kit to learn more about C44's programming, broadcast audience numbers and demographics, and the reach of our digital channels
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