
Celebrate National Reconciliation Week on C44 and CTV+

Celebrate National Reconciliation Week with a week of series, short films and docos by First Nations creatives on C44 and CTV+.

The week from 27 May to 3 June is National Reconciliation Week. Many Australians are using this week to educate themselves and others about Australia’s shared history and cultureReconciliation is about strengthening the bond of First Nations peoples and non-Indigenous peoples. It is an ongoing journey of meaningful change in the past, present and future.

The theme for National Reconciliation Week in 2023 is Be a Voice for Generations, to encourage all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in our everyday lives. At work, at home or while with friends.
Monday 29 May from 6pm
  • Mob Talks: Health
  • Documentary: The Butterfish Mob
  • Short Film: The Protectors
Tuesday 30 May from 6pm
  • Mob Talks: Culture
  • Documentary: Dot Music
  • Short Film: Deep Creek Cove
Wednesday 31 May from 6pm
  • Mob Talks: LGBTQI+
  • Documentary: Big Al’s Big Dream
  • Short Film: Freedom
Thursday 1 June from 6pm
  • Mob Talks: Identity
  • Documentary: The Story of Sky Song
  • Short Film: Wild
Friday 2 June from 6pm
  • Documentary: Apology Day


Saturday 3 June from 8pm

  • Documentary: Colebrook
  • Documentary: The Art of Reconciliation
Sunday 4 June from 6pm
  • Special presentation: Reconciliation Week Breakfast (SA)

Why do we celebrate National Reconciliation Week on these dates?

The dates honour two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision.
On 27 May 1967 Australians voted in a referendum against clauses in the Australian Constitution that discriminated against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
On 3 June 1992 the High Court of Australia made the Mabo decision. This recognises that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ have ownership to their own land.
“Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.” —Reconciliation Australia

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